temple university online msw program
temple university’s online master of social work offers students a part-time program that they can expect to complete between three and four years. temple’s online msw program includes clinical and macro concentrations, as well as health/mental health and child & family specializations. the school of social work faculty are available to provide online and offline support to students, including help with field placement information.
sponsored online msw programs
temple university’s online msw program can be completed part-time over the span of three to four years. it totals 60 credits and uses a mix of synchronous and asynchronous instruction. a field practicum consisting of 1050 hours (450 of foundation level, 600 of advanced level) is required to graduate. students are also required to attend a three-day residency in philadelphia in august during the second year of the program for field placement and practice courses.
temple university’s online master of social work is accredited by the council on social work education (cswe). students who complete the program may be eligible to sit for their association of social work boards (aswb) social work licensing exam after graduation.
temple university online msw programs: overview
department: school of social work at temple university
degree types: traditional standing
concentrations: clinical and macro. specializations in health and mental health, and children and family may be available.
program structure: online with field education (note: students must attend a three-day residency in august during the second year of the program)
instruction methods: asynchronous learning that includes live chats and discussion boards. students reserve one evening a week for live classes.
program information – traditional standing students
program overview
- program name: online master of social work (msw)
- phone number: 215-204-5806
program requirements
- field education requirements: 1050 hours ( 450 hours foundation, 600 hours advanced)
- number of credits required: 60 credits
program length
- program options: part-time
- program length: three to four years
- start dates: fall and spring admission
admission requirements
- gpa: minimum gpa of 3.0 or higher
- gre information: not required
temple university’s msw program information was last updated on march 2020. for more information, visit the university’s website above.
if you have additional information about this program, email us at contactus@onlinemswprograms.com.