immigration and refugee resettlement are ubiquitous subjects, but too often, people think of them in the abstract. headlines and sound bites about policy can dehumanize the people involved. immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees are just like everyone else, with needs ranging from education to housing to employment. unfortunately, these communities face legal and cultural hurdles that prevent them from accessing necessary support. that’s where people working in helping professions, such as social work, step in to address the challenges facing those who have left sometimes dire situations in their homelands with the hope of improving their lives or their children’s […]
resources for social work students
the role of social media in social work education is slowly expanding as social media infiltrates more of our daily lives. social workers may benefit from understanding these new forms of communication, including the advantages and disadvantages of each platform. one of the best ways to become more familiar with these technologies is to use them for both professional and personal reasons. while clear guidelines and boundaries need to exist for interacting with patients and clients in cyberspace, the role of social media in social work education is only starting to be explored. social media provides social work educators a […]